Forum Theatre-NVC
2-day weekend
Non-Violent Communication coupled to Forum Theatre (Introduction to systems thinking)
Develop a posture of non-violent cooperation in your daily life, in citizen engagements and in your professional life. Discover the foundations and intentions of the NVC process.
5 days
Promoting equity, overcoming discrimination through Forum Theatre-NVC
Promote equity. Identify and put an end to the mechanisms of discrimination: sexism, racism, antisemitism, LGBTphobia, etc. The course provides an opportunity to: become aware and begin to transform our behaviour, find ways of transforming structures and organisations.
How does it work?
Boal’s Forum-Theatre
Starting from experiences shared by the participants, an issue that they wish to resolve is acted out on stage ; the audience (or the second half of a group) get on stage to change the course of the story and find solutions (image theatre, debates and forum theatre).
Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication
Based on problematic characters and scenes in a given situation, we try to understand, among other things, (i) the essential needs of the main characters behind their demands or behaviour, (ii) what would enable them to choose cooperation rather than violence to resolve their problem (5 steps of the NVC process and NVC focused on systems).
Collective Intelligence Tools
Once various solutions have been assembled, the group goes through different processes to decide on the next individual and collective steps in the short and longer term (decision-making process, projections, implementation, etc.).
Why combine these approaches?
Forum theatre promotes a balance of power in the service of equity through interactive theatrical games. It’s a fun way to work through sensitive issues.
Non-Violent Communication brings the intention of peaceful cooperation. It encourages individuals and groups to connect with their inner selves in a posture of non-violence at the service of everyone’s essential needs.
Collective intelligence ensures that the solutions found are actually implemented, and that the group comes together to help each other.
Where does FT-NVC come from?
Since 2016 I have been developing Forum Theatre-NVC in several countries (Bolivia, mainland France, Guadeloupe, Morocco, etc.) based on the teachings I received in FT from A. Boal in Paris in 2000 and in NVC since 2014 from A-Certif and CNVC trainers according to M. Rosenberg’s process.
Tailor-made workshops
You want to :
- Launch, follow-up or review a project
- Tackle sensitive subjects in a light, constructive and effective way (gender relations, ethnic origins, hierarchical relations, respect for nature, etc.).
Upcoming dates
Would you like to develop a Non-Violent Communication
or a Forum Theatre-NVC workshop in your institution or company?