Forum Theatre-NVC
Non-violent communication combined to forum theatre
Duration: 2 days
Prerequisite: None
Why follow this workshop?
To develop a posture of non-violent cooperation in your daily life, in your citizen engagement activities and in your professional life. These two days will help you (re-)discover the basics and the intention of the Non-Violent Communication process. This workshop is organised in diverse neighbourhoods, villages and hamlets to encourage encounters between people from different backgrounds. Come and experience this NVC adventure with us!
Who is it for?
For everyone. Diversity should not be a hindrance, but on the contrary an asset: whatever your history, your economic resources, your gender, your education, your ethnic and/or religious background, your culture, your visible or invisible disability, your connection with nature, your age, etc., you are welcome, and you can contact us to discuss the conditions that would support your participation. The workshop relies on a conscious financial contribution (CFC). To find out more: click here
How does it work?
This introduction to Non-Violent Communication is based on forum theatre-NVC.
Starting from experiences shared by the participants, situations are acted out in order to improve them collectively. In a two-day course, we can either use only image theatre exercises or go all the way to the forum: it all depends on the dynamics of the group. NVC exercises are also used as part of this introduction.
What will I learn?
At each one’s own pace and based on their own experiences, we work towards :
- Establishing a framework of trust and making group agreements that take account of diversity and equity
- Being aware of the fundamental needs of humans and other living beings, the link between emotions, sensations and needs, and the link between behaviour and needs
- Being able to detect differences (in culture, resources) in the way needs are met and the possibility of satisfying them, and begin to take them into account
- Seeing the value of listening to emotions and sensations (one’s own and those of others) as indicators of the needs at stake (in oneself and in others)
- Being aware of the communication habits, both in expression and in listening, that can lead to reactivity and demotivation (for an individual, for a social group…)
- Identifying when our intentions are cooperative and when our words and actions are in line with our intentions.
- Recognising the four ways of receiving a difficult to hear message
- Seeing and expressing gratitude

Duration: 2 days
- You fund your own participation:
The workshop relies on a conscious financial contribution (CFC)
What is CFC? - Your employer funds your participation:
– 300€ (small institutions)
– 600€ (large institutions)
How can I get funding?
Deposit: 150€ per course
Professional agreements, Qualiopi? Contact me
Accommodation and meals not included.
Diversity and equity:
Economic resources, level of education, gender, ethnicity, disability or illness, religion, age… if you are personally concerned by any of these or other topics, you can share with me what would be helpful for you to attend, either in the registration form or by sending me a text message specifying the topic at (+33) 7 77 93 82 98: I will call you back.
Depending on the request; in French, Spanish or with an English translator. See the workshops scheduled below.
Upcoming dates

Would you like to develop a Non-Violent Communication
or a Forum Theatre-NVC workshop in your institution or company?