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NVC, Forum Theatre and Collective Intelligence
At the service of the social and ecological transitions

My writings

Scientific articles

  • Forum theatre-NVC: performing on stage, sharing knowledge and taking action, Sophie Lewandowski, Caroline Filieu Mouhali, 2022. Available at:
    This short text shows the possible uses of forum theatre- NVC on socially topical issues (drought, stereotypes in education).
  • “Forum theatre in collaborative action research: serving radical epistemologies? Bodies, emotions, knowledge”, Sophie Lewandowski, Alejandro Molina Valdivia, 2022/1, in Revue Participations, n°32, Epistémologies radicales et recherches participatives, pp 155-181.
    This text analyses the advantages and risks of using forum theatre in conflicts over resources (water). It also shows the value of forum theatre in approaching and promoting non-Western forms of knowledge.
  • Forum theatre-NVC to approach drought in the Mediterranean. Power, awareness and knowledge in performance anthropology, Sophie Lewandowski, Philippe Hert, 2023, in Le terrain en arts vivants. Récits, méthodes, pratiques. Coord. N. Gauthard, E. Martin.
    This text shows the value of combining NVC with forum theatre in conflicts linked to resources (water). It highlights how forum theatre-NVC provides an opportunity for embodied awareness without words. It also raises a warning about the role-playing involved in the use of forum theatre-NVC.
  • What empathy does to the co-construction of knowledge. Forum theatre-NVC in ‘priority’ education districts, Sophie Lewandowski, SociologieS, may 2024, Savoirs pluriels. Enjeux épistémologiques et politiques.
    This text explains empathy as used in NVC and as defined by Carl Rogers, professor and colleague of M. B. Rosenberg. It shows the difference between simple empathy, systemic empathy and cross empathy. It analyses the role of empathy in conflicts linked to social and ethnic-“racial” differences in education.

You can find these texts and a hundred or so of my productions on the website of my research laboratory or on HAL

If they are not online, do not hesitate to write to me to ask for them.

NVC, Forum Theatre and Collective Intelligence
At the service of the social and ecological transitions

My videos

  • The challenges of emotional social learning such as NVC :
    « Quels savoirs pour demain ? Éducation et formation socio-émotionnelle », produced by Sophie Lewandowski, 2021 IRD, LPED, 5 mins.
    What knowledge do we need in the face of artificial intelligence and major global crises? Emotional and social intelligence are increasingly in demand. An approach that raises questions about the relevance of sensitivity in education and training.
  • Forum theatre-NVC and other approaches to education in a district of Marseille :
    « École, famille, quartier », directed by Clotilde O’Deye C. & Sophie Lewandowski, 33 mins, 2022 : Forum theatre-NVC : from 14:42 to 25:20.
    In Marseille city centre, between stereotypes, cultural differences and social inequalities, what support is there for schooling? This project documentary chronicles the day-to-day work of committed tireless and tired, tenacious and creative women: mothers, teachers, association professionals, educators, artists, researchers, national education coordinators….
  • Forum theatre-NVC and water conflicts :
    Part 1: Morocco: « Théâtre forum, partage de savoirs et concertation : une recherche-action sur l’eau dans le Zerhoun (Maroc) », directed par Zoubir Chattou & Sophie Lewandowski, may 2022, 13 mins
    Part 2:  « Sécheresse dans le Lubéron : théâtre forum, CNV et recherche-action », réalisé par Sophie Lewandowski, Philippe Hert et François Siino, juin 2022, 22 mn.
    Drought, research and forum theatre-NVC. Drought is a major issue on the shores of the Mediterranean. But how can residents, experts and researchers discuss this sensitive issue? In the Thesaman action-research project, Forum Theatre, Non-Violent Communication and collective intelligence workshops were added to the usual qualitative interviews. This approach gave us an opportunity to listen to those who are less likely to speak out, to create links, to co-construct knowledge and to envisage new solutions.
  • NVC and collective intelligence in the workplace and in research :
    « Le savoir en partage. Expériences coopératives dans un laboratoire de recherche », directed by Sophie Lewandowski, produced by the LPED, IRD, 2019, 30 mins (or short clips)
    In a context of competition and bureaucracy, can science once again become a common good? This video shows how a research laboratory is experimenting with more cooperative tools, governance and attitudes (including non-violent communication).
  • Forum theatre in action research :
    « Savoir et pouvoir, une expérience de théâtre-forum en recherche-action », directed by Sophie Lewandowski, co-production CATIE-CIRAD-IRD, Spanish with French captions.
    This video (in French and Spanish) dates from 2013, at a time when I hadn’t merged forum theatre with non-violent communication. It is in three parts:
    Forum theatre according to Augusto Boal
    The 6 stages of forum theatre and the action-research project
    Interviews and analyses
    1/ The forum theatre process 2/ Relations of power 3/ Results 4/ Specific features of forum theatre compared with other ‘participatory’ tools 5/ Use of forum theatre in action research

You can find these videos and others that I have produced on my Youtube channel.

Other literature resources

You can find these books at or, or on various platforms using your Internet search engine.

The basic reference book on NVC is Nonviolent Communication : A language of Life – Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancerPress, 1999, 2003, 2015.

NVC books focused on social and ecological issues

In English :

  • Life-Enriching Education, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2003
  • Speak peace in a the world of conflict – What you say next will change your world, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2005.
  • The Heart of Social Change, How to make a difference in the world, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2004
  • Cracking the communication code, NVC by 42 key differentiations, Liv Larson, Katarina Hoffmann, friare liv, 2011
  • Anger, Guilt and Shame, reclaiming power and choice, Liv Larson, Friare Liv, 2012
  • The Little Book of Courageous Living, Miki Kashtan, fearlesheartpublications, 2014
  • The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook, Roxy Manning (Auteur), Sarah Peyton (Auteur), Shakti Butler Berrett-Koehler, Publishers, 2023
  • Several texts published by Miki Kashtan :
  • Posts and texts by Roxy Manning :

In French :

  • Communication et pouvoir, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Esserci, 2008
  • Du JE au NOUS – L’intériorité citoyenne : le meilleur de soi au service de tous, Thomas d’Ansembourg, Éditions de l’homme, 2014
  • La Communication NonViolente à l’usage de ceux qui veulent changer le monde, Nathalie Achard, Marabout, 2020
  • La paix ça s’apprend !, Thomas d’Asembourg, David Van Reynrouck, domaine du possible, acte Sud, 2016
  • En finir avec les discriminations, Prendre ses responsabilités et agir, Nathalie Achard Marabout poche psy, 2023 (ancien titre : Mon privilège ton oppression, Marabout coll. Époque épique)

Other NVC references

Introduction and practice

In English

  • NonViolent Communication : A Language of Life, 2nd Edition, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Puddle Dancer Press, 1999, 2003, 2015
  • A Model for Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg, New Society Publishers, 1983
  • Being Genuine: Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real, Thomas d’Ansembourg, PuddlerDancer Press, 2007
  • Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook, Lucy Leu, PuddleDance Press, 2003

In French

  • Être heureux, ce n’est pas nécessairement confortable, d’Ansembourg, Les Editions de l’Homme, 2004
  • La communication NonViolente et si on s’écoutait pour de vrai, Françoise Keller, Intereditions Poche, 2020
  • Pratiquer la Communication NonViolente, Françoise Keller, InterEditions, 2011
  • Petit cahier d’exercices de CNV, Anne Van Stappen, Jouvence, 2013
  • Petit cahier d’exercices de bienveillance envers soi-même, Anne Van Stappen, Jouvence, 2014
  • Petit cahier d’exercices pour cultiver sa joie de vivre au quotidien, Anne Van Stappen, Jouvence, 2017
  • Petit cahier d’exercices pour s’affirmer et dire enfin non, Anne Van Stappen, Jouvence, 2011


In English

  • We can work it out, followed by What’s making you angry, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2003

In French

  • Dénouer les conflits par la Communication NonViolente, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Gabriele Seil, Ed. Jouvence, 2006
  • Traverser le conflit : Coopération et Communication NonViolente, Anne-Gaëlle Erard, Éditions Chronique Sociale, 2021

Work environment

In English

  • Words That Work in Business, Ike Lasater, PuddleDancer Press, 2010

In French

  • Pratiquer la CNV au travail, Françoise Keller, InterEditions 2013
  • Petit cahier d’exercices : se protéger du burn out grâce à la CNV, Anne Van Stappen et Caroline Hanssens, Jouvence, 2019


In English

  • Life-Enriching Education, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2003
  • Raising Children Compassionately, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2005
  • Parenting From Your Heart, Inbal Kashatan, PuddleDancer Press, 2003

In French

  • Éduquer sans punition ni récompense, Jean-Philippe Faure, Jouvence, 2005
  • Petit cahier d’exercices de CNV avec les enfants, Anne Van Stappen et Catherine Blondiau, Jouvence, 2017

In relationships

In English

  • Being Me, Loving You, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2005.

In French

  • Le couple, chemin d’écoute et de partage, P. Faure, Ed. Jouvence, 2007

Other references

In English

  • Reflections on Living Compassion: Awakening Our Passion and Living in Compassion, Robert Gonzales, Balboa Press, 2020
  • The Surprising Purpose of Anger, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PuddleDancer Press, 2005

In French

  • Ne marche pas si tu peux danser, Anne Van Stappen, Jouvence, 2009
  • Qui fuis-je ? Où cours-tu ? A quoi servons-nous ?, T. d’Ansembourg, Les Editions de l’Homme, 2008
  • Quand la girafe danse avec le chacal, Serena Rust, Jouvence, 2009

Other video and audio resources

You can find these videos at or, or on various platforms using your Internet search engine.

INTERVIEWS : M. B. Rosenberg, trainers, actors

  • NonViolent Communication, DVD 12-13 : Social Change, Session 1 & 2, ed P Piront 2011
  • A Path with Heart : 25 Interviews on Nonviolent Communication and Social Change, Cascadia Workshops, Alan Seid, 2014ET
  • Other video on Youtube and other media

RESTAURATIVE JUSTICE APPROACH: systems, practices and circles

  • Created by D Barter in Brazil based on NVC:
  • Je verrai toujours vos visages, Jeanne Herry (French film, available online)

NVC IN EDUCATION (a key to long-term transformations)

  • Déclic CNV & Education Youtube channel:

FIELD PROJECTS (documentary films)

  • NVC in a school: Ces profs qui changent l’école, directed by Geneviève Roger, produced by Sweetdream (French)
  • NVC in a prisons: Ces mots qui libèrent, directed by Geneviève Roger, produced by Sweetdream (French)
  • NVC ans the peace process between Israel and Palestine: Ces femmes qui osent la paix, directed by Geneviève Roger, produced by Sweetdream (French)

The NVC Social and Ecological Transformations collective

What are the conditions under which NVC and, more broadly, a posture of non-violence can truly serve to transform social and ecological systems?

The NVC Social and Ecological Transformations collective (NVC-TSE) explores this question in the day-to-day lives and commitments of its members.

It is an all-volunteer group of French-speaking multicultural companions. It brings together people from 10 countries on three continents:

  • practising Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
  • AND involved in a concrete action project to bring about social and ecological change.

Our approach is to :

  • Help and support each other within the collective

Maintain and develop a posture of non-violence at the heart of the action: train by practising systems-focused NVC together, exchange resources, support members’ actions, support members on their journey, etc.

  • Take action and share beyond the group

On how NVC and non-violence can be used to transform systems: carry out concrete projects in the field (water, prisons, education, racism, fair economy, post-conflict reconstruction… France, Belgium, Morocco, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Iraq, Bolivia…), create webinars and events to share with everyone on non-violence in social and ecological transformations…

Find out more at:

NVC professional and citizen associations

I am also a member of the following associations, which offer a wide range of resources:

  • support: mediation training, individual support, etc.
  • citizen dynamics: practical groups, events….
  • online tools: books, videos, etc.

The national NVC association (Dynamiques citoyennes, pratiques, ressources…):

Regional and national associations of NVC trainers: and

The international NVC association:

Would you like to develop a Non-Violent Communication
or a Forum Theatre-NVC workshop in your institution or company?

Contact me